Patient Participation Group Report 2014/15

Priority area 1: Improve access to services

  • The partners agreed to extend the phone lines open from 7.00a.m to 7.00p.m adding additional appointments after 6.00p.m, part of a Leeds West CCG initiative.
  • Since February we are offering more appointments, more opening hours, and we have noticed how these extra times have been well received, with clinics fully booked.

Priority area 2: Improve telephone access

  • Plans:
    • Additional phone line diverted to back office staff to ease the pressure on the phone lines.
    • Promotion of online services
  • Results: Telephone is getting answered  sooner.Currently 10.1% of patients have access to systm one on – line to book appointments and order prescriptions on line.

Priority area 3: Improve repeat prescription services

  • Plans: Repeat prescription line open between 4.00p.m to 6.00p.m as requested from the survey results patients preferred this time rather than in the middle of the day, reception staff to divert the prescription line from the front desk to the back office to ensure confidentiality.
  • Results: Recently implemented. We need to monitor.

Over the last couple of years our practice has improved in all areas:

  • Blood Pressure monitoring machine in waiting area
  • New high back chairs
  • New staff members, clinical and non-clinical.
  • On line bookings
  • On line repeat prescription requests
  • Extended hours 7.00a.m – 7.00p.m
  • Extended telephone lines to avoid busy network.

How has the practice engaged with the PPG:  Talking randomly to patients in the waiting area, asking for patient feedback through patient questionnaires.
How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population? By talking to patients in the waiting room, advertising on our practice website, posters, and newsletters.  Patient questionnaires.
Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources? Yes, from patient’s suggestion box, email correspondence. Patient questionnaires.
Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan? Yes, PPG consulted at regular meetings and agreed action points.
How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan? Easier access for patients to the surgery via telephone, internet & email.  Practice growing rapidly therefore resulting in employing more clinical staff.
Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?  No